Winter in Michigan is a season unlike any other, and many enjoy entertainment that relies on the cold, such as snowmobile racing and ice golfing. Unfortunately, it isn’t all fun and games and waking up at 5 a.m. to battle against the elements on your way to work is only the tip of the iceberg.
went as far as to rate Michigan as the second most miserable state in the winter (we can thank Minnesota for saving us from taking first).
So despite the potential for exciting adventures, it’s safe to say that Michigan winters are a trial of survival that breeds stronger, hardened people who use their skills and knowledge to thrive. However, the same could be said for its invertebrate population. Though they can’t chisel ice or rub sticks for a fire, they have instincts that are powerful in their own right. From migration to hibernation, organisms have a strategy for surviving harsh winters and avoiding annihilation. Unfortunately for us, many insects that are considered household pests favor the strategy that involves moving into our homes and taking advantage of the warmth. Like unwanted house guests, they tend to venture where they aren’t wanted and are famous for invading your personal space.
Crazy Bug Survival Strategies
Some bugs utilize unthinkably unique and cool strategies to persist through freezing temperatures. For example, the European Corn Borer hunkers down within corn stalks or cobs and can survive when the water inside its body freezes. They can even handle being super-cooled down to -40°F degrees for several minutes. Similarly, some
Antarctic insects
use the sugars produced in their cells to create a type of antifreeze called glycerol, completely dehydrating their bodies, so they are incapable of freezing at all.
More commonly, however, insects become inactive during the winter months, a condition called diapause. In this state, they temporarily suspend their growth and development to remain dormant and stay alive. Little known fact: Hibernation is such an enviable technique that NASA researchers are even searching for ways to induce it in humans to assist astronauts through year-long journeys in space. But alas, not all bugs take their solace in nature. Like us, they often prefer to take their holiday vacation where it’s warm.
The Ultimate Winter Bug Shelter
Nothing is better at providing safe and comfortable winter protection than a human household. With advanced HVAC systems for warmth, low moisture, and an abundance of nutrients, one could say that our homes are the ideal place for bugs to “bug-out.” Temperatures below 37 degrees Fahrenheit are deadly to mature fleas and their eggs, larvae, and pupae. However, they can survive all winter long inside a nice and toasty home. Likewise, termite activity levels are directly influenced by daily and seasonal temperatures. Certain classes of
termites swarm during the fall
and reproduce in our homes until February, leaving a nasty spring surprise. Insects like these are considered “overwintering” pests, seeking comfort and nutrients typically found in homes. Even the insects that cling to nooks and crannies on our home’s exterior may decide to venture inside.
Michigan’s Winter Bugs
In Michigan, the most common
fall invaders
include the Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle, the Western Conifer Seed Bug, the Foreign Grain Beetle, Cluster Flies, the Boxelder Bug, and the dreaded Brown Marmorated Stink Bug. If you think they’re harmless, consider the homeowners in South Carolina who discovered 26,000 stink bugs in their home. Smashing them triggers their odorous defensive mechanism, and come spring, they’ll venture outside to ravage your backyard, feeding on plants and laying eggs.
Even beneficial insects become a nuisance when found inside our homes. In the summer, Boxelder Bugs benefit crops by eating aphids. However, in the winter, they congregate on windowsills and in attics, producing a pungent odor when disturbed. The leg joints of the Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle can ooze a nasty, orange liquid, staining furniture and sometimes causing an allergic reaction. Some insects even use aggregation pheromones to spread the word once your home is evaluated as an adequate
overwintering site.
The best way to deal with lurking pests is to embrace preventative instead of reactive measures by investing in year-long pest control. Hiring a professional pest control company like Stratex Pest Control can crush bug infestations before they populate, saving you thousands of dollars in reparations. The experts at Stratex Pest Control are your local answer to pests in Southwest Michigan. Contact us today to learn more about kicking bugs out of your home and leaving them with nowhere to go in the harsh Michigan winter.